Monday, July 30, 2012

Technology Based Lesson Plan – WWW

W-Warmer         W-Web        W-What next

Level: Upper Intermediate

Topic: Multinational Companies --> Good or bad?

WARMER: Introduce the following request to the students:

a) Brainstorming of vocabulary related to Multinational Companies

examples: money, imperialism, globalization, technology, rich, competition, workers, exploitation, corruption, marketing, etc.

b) Write the following questions on the board:

1) What is a multinational company?

2) What multinational companies are there in your city?

3) In what ways have they affected or improved the economy level of your city?

4) Do you ever prefer foreign products over local ones? Why?

5) What ideas would you give to keep up the local companies without cutting off multinational companies?

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WHAT NEXT: Participation in a forum related to the topic / Writing their point of view related to the topic and present it in class

The Use of CD-ROM in the Classroom

At IVC (Instituto de la Vera-Cruz) the courses of English are supported by Essential American English, a book by Richmond Editorial. This book contains a CD-ROM for the student, which helps during the classes as well as in an autonomous way for students to practice the target language. Some parts of this CD-ROM are developed as grammar exercises, others as games, which bring a ludicrous feeling to the learning experience.

On the other hand, there is the multi-ROM for the teacher. This multi-ROM includes the whole book with interactive traits. The interaction students are exposed to is really involving.

Some contradictions regarding the use of this material include the lack of computing skills that some students, as well as teachers, may suffer from; another is the computing material an institution could provide.

Still, and luckily, at IVC the projection and computing materials are available. It is very important to count as much as possible with the support of the institution one works for in order to take advantage of the multimedia materials included in the book package intended for our teaching practice.

Survey on Technology in the Classroom

It can be difficult to implement technology in our classes. And for some teachers it can be really easy. The following documents are a survey and its results. The survey was applied at the Language Center of Orizaba. There were 10 volunteer teachers

Using Video in the Classroom

This is a reflection and an example of the use of video in the classroom.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Creating Electronic Materials for ELT Purposes

My WebQuest

Here I share with you my WebQuest for Writing
In the conclusion you can also find reasons why it is so important to develop and reinforce the writing skill. Which should be taken into account in any level of ELT. Best Regards!

Summary of ELT Methods

Hello everybody! Here is the link to a useful video that comprises methodologies in ELT.