Friday, July 27, 2012

My WebQuest

Here I share with you my WebQuest for Writing
In the conclusion you can also find reasons why it is so important to develop and reinforce the writing skill. Which should be taken into account in any level of ELT. Best Regards!


  1. Wow Ivan, I want to do my WebQuest one more time jajaja but I don't have the time, when I have the time I'll do my self this WebQuest and I will send you my comments then! See you tomorrow!

    1. Thank you Anabell! One day I will be more creative, but not as creative as you! You are the master in creativity!

  2. I agree with the importance of well done essays nowadays and in the matter of education, it's not only about grades or development... it's about knowledge.

    1. That's true Carmen! It is also about growing as a person! The more we know, the more we should realize how much we don't!

  3. Wooow!!! I loved the way you presented the webquest!! I must learn how to do that!!! The content was also very interesting and detailed. Excellent job!

    1. Thank you very much! It's really comforting to receive this compliment from you. You are the expert in presentations and effects. I want to handle the way you make your presentations!
